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Epic Games Bringing back Fortnite on iOS in March

Epic Games is planning on officially bringing back Fortnite to iOS in March with the release of iOS 17.4 in the EU

Epic Games brings Fortnite back to iOS in March
Image Credit: Epic Games

Fortnite Characters posed on an iPhone
Image Credit:


Epic Games plans to release Fortnite on the Epic Games store as well as other Epic Games apps as soon as March alongside the release of iOS 17.4 in the EU regions only.

Because of new EU laws that Apple has chosen to comply with, sideloading is now allowed through the Apple app store which permits Epic to release their Epic Games Store on iOS.

Recently Epic Games claimed they have received their Apple Developer account, which was taken away in 2020 following a lawsuit by Apple against Epic Games for breaking terms of service.

Epic Games has stated throughout the past few years that they will continue to update Fortnite for mobile despite not having a stand-alone app in case Apple allows Epic on the App Store. This means that it will be very easy for Epic Games to release Fortnite once again on iOS this year.


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